Message From Horsfall Community Trust Trustee Keith Denison

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On Saturday 21st March I will be participating in a Sponsored Walk from Horsfall to Nethermoor, Guiseley. The distance is approximately 12 miles. This coincides with Bradford’s away fixture that day at Guiseley.

All funds raised will be split equally between the Bradford Park Avenue Development Fund and The Horsfall Community Trust.

Currently there are just three of us walking but we are hoping to raise in the region of £2000. If achieved, and I would be disappointed if it wasn’t, that would be £1000 each for the club and Trust.

If you would be prepared to sponsor me that would be much appreciated. Please note you can sponsor per mile or a fixed amount. The latter seems the most popular method. If you would like to sponsor me please see me a tomorrows game.

As far as the Trust is concerned raising funds is vital to ensure we maintain sufficient reserves to meet costs. Income from grants whilst welcome does not cover all our expenditure.



P.S. Incidentally if anyone would like to join the walk please let me know. You would be most welcome.
