Altrincham FC Away Travel

posted in: First Team News, News | 0

The club are running a supporters coach to Altrincham FC Saturday 6th October 2018 and due to popular demand a bigger coach has been booked. Prices for seats have also been reduced to £10 for adults and £5 for under 16’s. To book your seat please call Neil Fawcett on 07811 959003

Altrincham FC Away Travel

posted in: First Team News, News | 0

The club are looking at running a supporters coach to Altrincham FC Saturday 6th October 2018 subject to enough interest, with seats costing £13 for adults and £8 for under 16’s. To book your seat please see Neil Fawcett at the Supporters Information Desk on match day or call him on 07811 959003