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We’d like to thank each and every person who has made a donation to our collections for Ukraine. The support we’ve seen has been incredible and we are sure the Ukrainian people are extremely thankful for your efforts.

Unfortunately due to the amount of donations and limited storage space, we are stopping collections for now while we catch up on deliveries. Stay tuned for updates by following us across our social medias. @BPAFCOfficial

If you’d like to make a cash donation to the Help Ukraine Emergency Appeal, you can click below.



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Our first Help Ukraine collection has been taken by Bradford City! Over 30 bags filled with warm clothes, food, shoes, and essential toiletries all going over to Ukraine and the border countries that are providing shelter for refugees.

Our focus now switches to priority items, like dry or tinned long lasting food, essential toiletries such as soap, dental hygiene and sanitary towels or alternative sanitary products.

We’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has taken the time over the last few weeks to drop off any items or clothing. The generosity and kindness that we’ve seen is incredible and we hope to continue providing aid with your help.

If you would like to drop off items, we are in 9-5 all week, and at Saturday’s match v Gloucester City we will also be taking any donations on the day. #UTA #BPAFC

BPAFC to support Shelter’s #NoHomeKit

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This Boxing Day, Bradford (Park Avenue) are supporting homeless charity Shelter with #NoHomeKit for our tie v York City.

In the space of one 90-minute football match, 25 households are made homeless.

The lads will wear the Away Red, Amber and Black kit on Sunday.
More than 180,000 households have been made homeless since the beginning of the pandemic, with families, including children, being placed in unsuitable hostels.

You can help support the effort by donating to Shelter online, or by texting ‘HOME’ to 70455 to donate £5 to Shelter. There will also be a bucket collection on the day for donations towards the charity.