We are delighted to announce that experienced GK Craig Ellison has committed to the Avenue for Season 2024/25. Ello is no stranger having finished the 23/24 season with us.
Our Gaffer, Danny Whitaker had this to say 👇
“It’s brilliant to get Ello signed up, he fits our player profile perfectly, he’ll bring a wealth of experience to the group which will be vital and not only that he’s a great character to have around who’ll lead.”
And from the man himself ⬇️
“Im delighted to be staying at Bradford Park Avenue for the 24/25 Season. The opportunity to continue to work with the manager and also to play my part in helping to get the club back to where it should be is one that I couldn’t turn down. The fans have made me feel very welcome since my arrival and it’s somewhere I already feel at home. I cant wait to get back in with the lads and get to work.”
Andy is one of our performance center volunteers who leads the goalkeeper training. He has also helped during performance camps, leading games and sessions and being involved in our academy 100 club.
Mia Thorpe
Mia is our girls’ performance centre’s newest coach. At 15 years of age, she has just recently started with our foundation group with the girls. She has started fantastically and built a good rapport with all our girls. Mia is wise beyond her years and has done a fantastic job so far during her time and is consistently improving as she continues to coach.
Gabriel Steel
Gabriel is the lead u9s performance center coach who started out as a university placement student. Through his hard work he has been given the lead on a group and is really thriving alongside the group. A young, exciting coach who is developing massively as each week goes by. Gabe has also helped support on performance camps and with the performance center u13s-u16s groups
Kevin Dale
Kevin is one of our longest standing volunteers and has been volunteering ever since the start of the performance center back in
He has helped everywhere he possibly could including the foundation, development and our girl’s section. Kev now helps lead the girl’s performance center and supports the u13s or the u15s every Wednesday evening.
Scholar Coach of the Year
Sam Sutcliffe
Sam is one of our u8 coaches and does a superb job helping Gary and his team coaches’ week in, week out. Sam is one of our top referees helping officiate all age groups every Sunday morning. He is also a great help on match-days and when putting on events. Sam is also great for helping on Performance camps and finds time to do all this on top of his studies.
Joe Bingham Carroll
Joe commits every Saturday morning to help coach our u6 team, doing an unbelievable job with our youngest players. Joe also referees weekly and he is always there on matchday to help create a great experience for young fans.
Max Whitehead
Max is an enthusiastic young coach who is consistently aiming to become better. Max is our u11s assistant coach. He is always on hand to help with anything he can. Max completed his FA level 1 at Bradford Park Avenue and got into a local university to continue his sports coaching studies.
Lucas Shaw
Over the past few years Lucas has assisted with our u7s and our u13s grassroots training. He has also worked tirelessly in the café on a Saturday and Sunday morning ensuring the café stays open at times. Lucas is a great help on match days and when setting up events.
Harry Wright
Harry is a superb helper when asked in a multitude of areas. He helps support the u6s training, he offers his help in the cafe nonstop and alongside this whenever there is an event that requires help running, he is always on hand to help.
Harry Spiby
Another one of the u8s coaching team, Harry is a fantastic volunteer that is there each week at training. Harry also supports Bradford Park Avenue events and is always helping around the club.
Young Volunteer of the Year
Harrison Clay
Harrison started coaching with the u7s this year as part of his Duke of Edinburgh. Since the beginning he has become a crucial part of Joe and his team helping with their huge squad. Harrison is at training each week, helping where he can. At Easter Harrison treated his team to an Easter Egg each out of his own pocket. Harrison is an extremely mature young man who encompasses what we are trying to achieve at Bradford Park Avenue. He also often offers to help on matchdays, creating fantastic experiences for fans.
Sam Sutcliffe
Sam is one of our u8 coaches and does a superb job helping Gary and his team coaches’ week in, week out. Sam is one of our top referees helping officiate all age groups every Sunday morning. He is also a great help on match-days and when putting on events. Sam is also great for helping on Performance camps and finds time to do all this on top of his studies.
Savannah Cleary
Savannah has been volunteering at the cafe since its opening. She has created this community feel alongside the other volunteers. She is constantly looking at ways to improve it and make it a better place for all of us at Park Avenue. She is there every Wednesday and Saturday to ensure we all have a good experience.
Mia Thorpe
Mia is our girls’ performance centre’s newest coach. At 15 years of age, she has just recently started with our foundation group with the girls. She has started fantastically and built a good rapport with all our girls. Mia is wise beyond her years and has done a fantastic job so far during her time and is consistently improving as she continues to coach. Mia is also completing her referee’s course and finds herself down at Horsfall on Sundays refereeing our juniors each week.
Joe Bingham Carroll
Joe commits every Saturday morning to help coach our u6 team, doing an unbelievable job with our youngest players. Joe also referees weekly and he is always there on matchday to help create a great experience for young fans.
Team of the Year
On the u7s first season as a full team this group has thrived massively. They have won multiple cups, had multiple visits to professional clubs, with many players scouted by pro clubs. They have entered and played in the beach tournament and attended match day activities weekly.
Our u8s have had a fantastic season and managed to win the West Riding Tournament with only 4 players on each team. Every matchday the café and entertainment are provided by the parents of the players, and they are our greatest group for event and cafe support. This group often attends match day events, alongside other events such as Whitby away and the Wetherby Races supporting Ronnie the Ram.
Our u9s managed to raise the highest funds out of any of our teams on the matchday draw. They have also taken a team to the Garforth league finals day and attended the Manchester International Cup. They also had a fantastic experience playing at Fleetwood Town FC recently
In our u15s first season they have managed to win the Garforth league 2nd Division. An incredible feat, especially with a brand-new team, they managed to win the league by 12 points. Gary Ratnik’s team had a fantastic season coming close in the cup as well. They have also attended match day activities and events. This group were also our first group to complete the match day drawer.
The u14s were also a brand-new team this season who managed to do superbly in the league. Adam Brian’s men finished 2nd in Division 2 which gained them promotion. After some unfortunate news to one of their players mid-season, the u14gs coaching staff managed to help raise £5000 to help support their player and his family.
Grassroots Coach of the Year
Joe Brown
Joe has had a fantastic season developing our youngest grassroots aged teams. He has built a huge squad which he has organized and trained effectively all season long. He has now managed to create 3 teams in this age group who are all doing successfully. Joe also developed the Ronnie the Ram cup in his spare time to recruit new players whilst offering superb experiences to children at our stadium.
Ross Wilson
Ross joined Park Avenue at the beginning of the season taking on a struggling u12s team. A team struggling for players and consistency over the years. A massive change in the group dynamics helped by assistant Kieran Williams has helped this group develop massively over the season. The group has grown in numbers with now up to 20 children training each week, which is improving consistently. Ross has also taken a team to represent Bradford Park Avenue in the Valley Parade Memorial Tournament. He has also been a massive help throughout the year helping set up events.
Simon Webster
Simon has had a difficult season losing his 2 assistant coaches and often completing his coaching with any support. However, the experiences he has created for his team have been fantastic, his team has been to a final’s day this season. He has also taken them to the Manchester International Cup and offered the children the experience of a lifetime getting to play on Fleetwood Towns pitch. He has also helped his team raise the highest funds on the matchday draw.
Richard Pearson
Richard has had a fantastic couple of years here at Bradford Park Avenue. Last season his team were promoted 2 divisions and this year they have smashed it again finishing 2nd in the league and achieving another promotion. Richard helps around the club where he can and is also involved in the Academy 100 Club.
Adam Brian
Adam set up a brand new u14s team at the beginning of last season. They managed to finish 2nd in Division 2 gaining promotion to the top division for the next season. Adam, amongst some of his other coaches, took it upon themself to raise money for one of their players after they received some unfortunate news about him. They managed to raise £5000 and raised awareness by walking from Valley Parade to Horsfall Stadium. Adam rounded up his group fantastically to organize this all so quickly to help the struggling family.
Grassroots Volunteer Award
Tina Ratnik
Tina has been instrumental to the Ave Café and without her the café still would not be open and providing hot food and drinks every Sunday morning for us all. She is also forever offering her time up to help whenever and wherever she can. She was a massive help at Avey-Fest and at every event we put on throughout the year. She is also involved in the Academy 100 club.
Mick Frost
For the past year Mick has been the club’s welfare officer for the juniors and the men’s first team. He has also been pivotal in the academy cafes growth through going to collect food each week and helping in there whenever he can. He also helped out loads in the academy café when making it. Mick is one of our u14s coaches and part of our Academy 100 Club.
Matt Harrison
Matt is our u14s Manager and has done a fantastic job over the past few years coaching this team. Matt supports our grassroots consistently and also helps out with the academy café whenever possible. Matt also flaunts about as Ronnie the Ram each week on matchday, including going to Whitby away and Wetherby races where Matt raced dressed as Ronnie. He has been fantastic in his role as club mascot, creating an incredible experience for our young fans. Matt is also involved in the Academy 100 club.
We can today confirm our retained list for our NPL-East 2024/25 season as the following.
James Hanson
Jak Whiting
Myles La Bastide
Lucas Odunston
Craig Ellison
Edy Maieco
Harry Colville
Jordan Preston
Adrien Thibaut
Lewis Hey
Will Longbottom
Mitch Lund
Will Lancaster
Harrison Hopper
Mason O’Malley
Jake Daniels
Jacob Lara
Ted Lavelle
Jake Young
Ryley D’Sena
We’d like to put on record our thanks to Will Longbottom, Mitch Lund, Will Lancaster, Harrison Hopper, and Mason O’Malley for their time and dedication at the Horsfall, and wish them all the best in their future careers.
Our thanks also go to our loan players and their parent clubs, Jake Daniels from Blackpool FC, Jacob Lara from Salford City, Ted Lavelle from FC Halifax Town, Jake Young from Accrington Stanley, and Ryley D’Sena from Chesterfield. We wish them all the best in their future careers, and thank the clubs for their help in our 23/24 season.
We can today confirm the signing of Striker James Hanson, who earlier this week agreed terms on a deal til the end of the 24/25 season.
Hanson adds a great deal of experience to the squad, and will be vital in our push for a strong finish in the Northern Premier League East Division.
Sporting Director Thomas McStravick had this to say on the deal;
“More exciting squad news will be announced over the coming days. Information on the current squad and new players will be made available as soon as we can. We are busy behind the scenes putting a squad together that will help us meet our objective for next season.”
Tickets are priced at just £2 for Adults, with u16s gaining FREE ENTRY!
Below is a quick run down of just some of the events taking place today.
From 12pm-6pm
Other activities and entertainment throughout the day includes: Beer Festival ran by BPA Development Fund, Street Food vendors, Face Painting, Bouncy castles, Market Stalls, Childrens games, Raffle & Tombola, and even a penalty shootout!
YOU CAN GET INVOLVED TOO! Email us on Secretary@bpafc.com to see how you can help!
Gates for Avey-Fest open at 12pm, and there is also 2 cup finals prior, starting at 10:30am..
Tickets from 10:30am are priced at just £2 for Adults, with u16s gaining FREE ENTRY!
Below is a quick run down of just some of the events taking place on Sunday 5th May.
From 12pm-6pm
Other activities and entertainment throughout the day includes: Beer Festival ran by BPA Development Fund, Street Food vendors, Face Painting, Bouncy castles, Market Stalls, Childrens games, Raffle & Tombola, and even a penalty shootout!
If you’d like to represent the BPA Fans, enquire about a stall, donate raffle prizes, or to volunteer, please get in touch! Email us on Secretary@bpafc.com
Following his retirement from Football, we’d like to put on record our thanks to ex-Avenue captain, player-coach, and interim manager Luca Havern for his time at the Club.
Luca left the Club in December 2023, after spending 6 years at the Horsfall, and making over 180 appearances for the Green Army.
Happy Retirement Luca! From all of us at Bradford (Park Avenue).
Following his goal on Saturday vs Matlock Town, James Hanson became the latest player to have scored for both Bradford (Park Avenue) & Bradford City.
Hanson joins the likes of some of the finest talent to have played for the Bradfords, including players such as Norman Corner, Bobby Ham and Terry Dolan
Watch both goals from Saturday below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqRjejZakvM