Here’s how the Bradford Park Avenue Development Fund Fantasy Premier League table looks after game week 13.

Fancy yourself as a Premier League manager? Who would you buy with a budget of £100m? Now’s your chance to show us what you can do.
Don’t know what Fantasy Premier League is? To find out, follow the link
And to learn more about the Bradford Park Avenue Development Fund Fantasy Premier League go to
Interested? Then join us for the second half of the season. After game week 19 we reset the league. This means all managers go back to nil points. The second half of the season gets underway on 4 January. If you join us now, you can get some practice in before the restart.
It’s fun. It’s frustrating. It’s a conversation opener at the water cooler.
All we ask is that you make a donation, either a one off or a regular one, of whatever amount you want, to the Development Fund. The bank details are
Sort 05 02 00
Account 29955993
Reference FPL
Having done that, email to receive your invite.
Ladies, we need more female representation. Put your tracksuits on and get in the dugout. And perhaps Woody and Willy Eckerslike could persuade their sister Izzie to join us too.