Knight signs for National League, Notts County

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We can confirm that today Lewis Knight has completed his transfer from Bradford to Notts County football club in the national league. Knight becomes the latest young player to move up the leagues after developing and learning their trade at The Horsfall. He follows Alex Hurst (Port Vale) and Jake Beasley (Rochdale) who came down to the National League North and played along side experienced players such as Nicky Clee, Luca Havern and Mark Ross under the nurturing eyes of Mark and Danny.

Lewis completed his medical last Friday and he and the clubs agreed terms over the weekend, joining on an initial 2 and half year deal.

Lewis Knight –

‘I am absolutely made up to have got back into full time football, huge thank you to Mark, Danny and Ryan for believing in me and giving the opportunity 3 years ago when I came back from the States. I’ve really enjoyed my time at the club, the lads have been amazing such a great dressing room, and finally a big thank you to the incredible fans. I am only sad that I didn’t get to play in front of them live this year and to say good bye in person’

Mark Bower –

I am really pleased that Lewis will be able to progress his career as a professional footballer at a club as large as Notts County. Along with all the staff, we are immensely proud of the role Bradford (Park Avenue)has played in helping Lewis achieve this.

Having worked with him for the majority of the last three years, it has been great to see his improvement and how hard he has worked to compliment his natural abilities.

Whilst we are disappointed that we are losing Lewis, we are already working on bringing in more young players of Lewis’ type, with quality and hunger to be a success in the game.

Lewis leaves with our best wishes and I’m sure all Avenue fans will be keeping an eye on his progress.’

Martin Knight –

with Lewis’s incredible season and his  contract running down in the summer, we are pleased to have realised some nominal value in the transfer fee and good future considerations. Lewis has shown the benefit of playing men’s football over the last three years and has after much effort from himself and guidance from Mark and Danny got himself a move back into full time football. We wish him well and will monitor his progress with interest 😊’


2020/21 Season Ticket Update

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A message to all those who carried on their season ticket for the streaming service.

Firstly, and most importantly, everybody at the Horsfall hope you are safe and well in these challenging times.

Secondly, we would like to thank you for your support this season in leaving your season ticket money in the club. That support is invaluable. Hopefully you managed to see some football via our streams.

I am writing to you today to give you an update on your season ticket for the 20/21 season.

As you will be aware, the season has now officially been declared null and void and I wanted to reach out to you to give you a couple of options for the remainder of your ticket.

Option 1

A rebate on your 20/21 season ticket pro rata vs how many home games we played in a season. The pro rata rate is calculated by (Cost of Season Ticket)/Home games per season (21) x Games remaining (12)

This equates to;

  • On an Adult Season Ticket – £80.00
  • On a Concession Ticket – £71.42
  • On a Junior ticket – £5.71
  • On a Student ticket – £25.71
  • On a Youth Ticket – £17.14

Option 2

This option is to once again, allow this money to stay within the club as a donation. This option would have immense benefits for the club and would be greatly appreciated.

If you do decide to take this option, I will make sure you are on a ‘guestlist’ for free entry to every home pre-season game as a thank you.

Once again, thank you very much for your support this season, and here’s to an exciting 2021/22 season!

If you can let me know on

Stay Safe!



Lewis Sale – Happy Birthday

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Happy birthday to Lewis Sale today! Lewis has been incredible behind the scenes this year helping with our social media, and running commentary throughout the games in what has been a very tough period of time!

Have a good one Lewis you have earned it!


Booty leaves Avenue for National League North Rivals Chorley

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We can confirm that Regan Booty has joined divisional rivalries Chorley. The club would like to thank Regan for his efforts since joining the club on the 11th of December. We wish Regan well with getting his career back on track after injury whilst at Notts County and hope to see his undoubted talent being watched by fans in stadiums next season.




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National League Statement | Outcome of Written Resolutions

Earlier this month, The National League distributed four resolutions for Member Clubs to consider the outcome of the 2020/21 season.

Further information can be found here.

With relevant voting thresholds now met for each resolution, The National League can confirm the outcome of this process as follows.

Resolution One

In summary: Step One and Two to be split in deciding the outcome of 2020/21 Playing Season. As a Special Resolution, a voting percentage of 75% or higher was required to pass.

National League: (for) 21- (against) 0

National League North: 16-6

National League South: 9-12

Result: Passed

As a result, Resolution Four is disregarded.

Resolution Two (National League only)

In summary: The National League 2020/21 Playing Season (Step One) to be declared null and void. A minimum 51% majority was required for Resolution Two to pass.   

National League: 7-13

Result: Not Passed

As a result, the National League National Division will continue to operate for the remainder of the season

Resolution Three (National League North and South only)

In summary: The National League North and South 2020/21 Playing Season (Step Two) to be declared null and void. A minimum 51% majority was required for Resolution Three to pass.  

National League North: 15-7

National League South: 9-12

Result: Passed

Resolution is passed and consequently the season at Step Two is null and void.

Note – There are 2 votes from the National Division that have not yet been cast, however, the outcome of the resolutions cannot be affected by these votes, however they are cast.

With the voting procedure now closed, National League North and South fixtures will cease with immediate effect.

The Board will take the resolution outcome to The Football Association for ratification. This will include dialogue regarding promotion and relegation.


Saturdays game with Hereford is postponed

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After discussions with Hereford about this weekends game and if it will be played, we can announce that the game will be postponed. Hereford were open and honest about their preference to play the game, whilst they wait for the outcome of the vote to determine whether or not the season will continue, and to send a team to the Horsfall, we fully respect and understand their position.

We have chosen for the same reasons we did not play against Farsley and Blythe, not to fulfil the scheduled fixture. This will mean that we will yet again be sited by the National League for breach of rule 8.39. We have written to the NL explaining the financial reasons we are unable to do this without first knowing if our grant application has been accepted in full or not. The directors, players, Mark and Danny desperately want to play the remainder of the season, but not if that means putting the long term future of the club at risk.

On a positive note we have already held our first recruitment meeting with Mark, Danny and Ryan to discuss the squad for season 21/22 where we fully expect to be competing once again in the National League North.



National League North and South Statement

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Following a meeting between clubs in the National League North and South we wish to make the following statement: 

All undersigned clubs support the re-commencement of all viable fixtures until the results of the resolution are known, but only when both clubs participating in a fixture are in agreement and when there is a fully funded COVID testing regime in place, as both the NL and it’s member clubs have a duty of care for the safety of players and staff..

Clubs who are unable to commit to fixtures should continue to have their season held in suspense by the league and do so without fear of sanctions.

Furthermore, we have agreed to submit our votes on the resolutions to the National League as soon as reasonably practical and implore all clubs at Steps 1 & 2 to do likewise.

Any delay or abstaining from voting would be damaging for the clubs in the most urgent situations.

We must finish the season with all 66 clubs in existence.

AFC Telford FC – Andy Pryce

Bath City FC – Paul Williams

Blyth Spartans FC – Tony Platten

Bradford Park Avenue FC – Martin Knight

Chippenham Town FC – Neil Blackmore

Curzon Ashton FC – Rob Hurst

Darlington FC – David Johnston

Dulwich Hamlet FC – Ben Clasper

Farsley Celtic FC – Joshua Greaves

Gateshead FC – Neil Pinkerton

Guiseley AFC – Gary Douglas

Kettering Town FC – Ritchie Jeune

Southport FC – Ian Kyle

Slough Town FC – Kay Lathey

Spennymoor Town FC – Tony Wilson


Club Statement regarding the 20/21 season

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We wanted to take this opportunity to give full visibility to our fans on where we currently are in terms of the 20/21 season, the National League Vote and our next few fixtures.

As many of you are aware we have had over the last 2 weeks lots changes in the information we were given when we kicked off the league in October and also in the nature of the pandemic itself since that start. These changes have increased the financial burden on the club significantly and it is with the long term preservation of the club that we have made the below decisions

Firstly in the NL vote which came to us late on Monday night we have today voted

  • Resolution 1 we voted for the National League North and South to decide their own leagues fate
  • Resolution 3 (assuming that resolution 1 passes) we voted to Null and Void the season
  • Resolution 4 we voted for the National League North votes to be for Null and Voiding of the season

The concept that it takes 28 days for all 66 votes to be counted is quite honestly staggering and puts us in a position that would mean we play on for another 4 weeks, incurring all of the costs associated with that, only to possibly find the league has been Null and Voided. As a board we cannot enter into this type of irresponsible course of actions, so we have written to the board and advised them that until the votes are all in and counted and final decision on the season continuing has been made, we wont be playing any further matches, in the short term this means our games at home this Saturday against Farsley and next Tuesday away at Blythe will not be taking place with a team from Bradford (Park Avenue).

Once the outcome of the vote is know we have asked the NLB to confirm that grants will be forth coming to enable us to compete further and complete this seasons fixtures.

We can confirm that, due to once again Gareth supporting us, we will be able to start the 21/22 season in the National League North if no grants are forth coming and the current season is null and voided.



National League Statement

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The National League has distributed resolutions this evening for Member Clubs to consider the outcome of the 2020/21 season. 

The resolutions are formed of four parts: one Special Resolution and three Ordinary Resolutions based on the outcome of the first. A Special Resolution requires a 75% majority to be passed, whereas an Ordinary Resolution requires a more than 50% majority. Resolution 1 and 4 votes will be counted under prescribed voting conditions. Resolution 2 and 3 will be counted with one vote per Member Club.  

Should Resolution 1 pass, Resolution 2 and 3 will be counted, with Resolution 4 disregarded. Should Resolution 1 be voted against, Resolution 4 will be counted, with Resolution 2 and 3 votes disregarded. 

Under The National League’s Articles of Association, Member Clubs have 28 days to return voting submissions. 

The resolutions are as follows: 

Resolution 1 (All Clubs)

That Resolution 2 about whether to end the 2020/21 Playing Season of The National League (Step 1) be taken only by Clubs in the National League and that Resolution 3 about whether to end the 2020/21 Playing Season of the National League North and the National League South (Step 2) be taken only by Clubs that play in the National League North or the National League South with votes cast for Resolution 3 being counted on a one member, one vote basis for National League North and National League South Clubs. 

Resolution 2 (National League Only)

That, conditional upon Resolution 1 being passed, the 2020/21 Playing Season of the National League (Step 1) shall immediately end on the date this Resolution 2 is passed and be declared null and void and subject to the approval of The Football Association, those Regulations that provide for promotion and relegation to and from Step 1 be suspended for the 2020/21 Playing Season. 

Resolution 3 (National League North and South Only)

That, conditional upon Resolution 1 being passed, the 2020/21 Playing Season of the National League North and the National League South (Step 2) shall immediately end on the date this Resolution 3 is passed and be declared null and void and subject to the approval of The Football Association those Regulations that provide for promotion and relegation to and from Step 2 be suspended for the 2020/21 Playing Season. 

Resolution 4 (All Clubs)

That, conditional upon Resolution 1 being passed, the 2020/21 Playing Season of the National League North and the National League South (Step 2) shall immediately end on the date this Resolution 3 is passed and be declared null and void and subject to the approval of The Football Association those Regulations that provide for promotion and relegation to and from Step 2 be suspended for the 2020/21 Playing Season. 
